How many Bills can I add to a single Xero Batch Payment?
You can add up to 200 Bills to each Xero Batch Payment, when creating new Xero Batch Payment documents.
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What is Xero Batch Payment approval?
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Xero Batch Payments: partial payment
ApprovalMax supports partial payments for Xero Batch Payment requests. Here is how it works: Click on the button in the right-hand corner. In your Organisation, select Batch Payment and click on CREATE A REQUEST: You can now add Bills to a Batch ...
How can I add Bills that were created and approved directly in Xero to a Xero Batch Payment?
To enable the pulling of all Bills from Xero to ApprovalMax for seamless management with the Xero Batch Payment workflow, you must activate the option "Fraud detection - bypass the approval workflow" in the Bill workflow settings.
How to create a Xero Batch Payment
How to enable Xero Batch Payment creation: To enable the creation of Xero Batch Payments in ApprovalMax, the Xero Batch Payment workflow needs to be set up and activated In the Payment Creation section, you can specify all users who will be able to ...
Why is a Bill that's part of an approved Xero Batch Payment still Awaiting Payment?
This could be a case of partial payment. The Amount Due, i.e. the amount left to pay (calculated as Bill’s amount due minus Bill’s payment amount on approval minus Bill’s payment amount in processing minus Bill’s payment amount awaiting payment), ...