ApprovalMax is licensed per Organisation for any number of users, requests, and workflows.
you want to use ApprovalMax in connection with your accounting
software, please note that each ApprovalMax Organisation corresponds to
one particular organisation in your accounting system (Xero or
QuickBooks Online).
For example, if you have one Xero file,
you'll need an ApprovalMax subscription for one Organisation. If you
have 5 Xero files, you'll need an ApprovalMax subscription for 5
If you retire a connected organisation in your
accounting system, you also need to retire the corresponding
Organisation in ApprovalMax. A retired ApprovalMax Organisation frees up
a space in the very same subscription it had been assigned to and you
can add a new Organisation instead. If you don’t want to assign a new
Organisation in its place, you need to downgrade your subscription
because the subscription billing won’t be reduced automatically. Only a
subscription downgrade will adjust your monthly billing amount.
ApprovalMax offers different subscription plans, for details please refer to
Which subscription plan is the right one for me?.