How does the approval of Xero Quotes work?

How does the approval of Xero Quotes work?

ApprovalMax allows to set up multi-step approval workflows for created in ApprovalMax Xero Quotes.

This is how it works:
  • Quotes are created directly in ApprovalMax.
  • ApprovalMax starts the multi-step approval workflow as predefined for them in ApprovalMax.
  • The respective managers get notified that their approval is required, and make their decision.
  • When all approvals are in place, the Quote status changes to Sent in Xero and the Quote moves to the Approved list.
  • The Customer receives a Quote and decides whether to accept or decline.
  • If the Customer accepts the Quote, its status changes to Accepted and the Quote can be copied to a Sales Invoice.
  • If the Customer declines the Quote, its status changes to Declined. 
Learn how to set up approval workflows for Xero Quotes.

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