How do I set up the Pull from Xero step for Sales Invoices?

How do I set up the Pull from Xero step for Sales Invoices?

All Sales Invoices in Xero with the status Submitted For Approval will be picked up by ApprovalMax and put through the designated approval process.
  1. In the main menu, select your Organisation and open Approval Workflows under Workflows And Settings:

  2. Click on the Sales Invoice workflow:

  3. Click on the Choose Requester button under Pulling from Xero and select a user.
    When pulling Sales Invoices from Xero into ApprovalMax, all Sales Invoices will be created in the name of the specific user selected during the Pull from Xero step's setup. ApprovalMax is not aware of any exact details of who created each Sales Invoice in Xero.
    To address this, we suggest choosing a generic email address, such as, when setting up the Pull from Xero step.

    By using a generic email address, the user associated with that address will be notified about key Sales Invoice events such as approvals, rejections, and comments.

  4. Set up your approval workflow and activate it by clicking on ACTIVATE THE WORKFLOW in the upper right-hand corne:.

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