How can I restrict the Requesters of Xero Batch Payments?
ApprovalMax allows restricting Requesters in terms of what data they can see and work with when creating Xero Batch Payments. You can, for example, configure their access rights so that individual Requesters are only allowed to select certain Suppliers and Bank Accounts.
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What is Xero Batch Payment approval?
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ApprovalMax allows restricting Requesters in terms of what data they can see and operate with when creating Airwallex Batch Payments. For example, access rights for the creation of Airwallex Batch Payment can be configured so that a particular ...
In which currency can I create a Xero Batch Payment?
Due to Xero restrictions, Xero Batch Payments are always created in the base currency of the respective Organisation. If a Bill is in a different currency, it cannot be added to the Xero Batch Payment.
Xero Batch Payments: partial payment
ApprovalMax supports partial payments for Xero Batch Payment requests. Here is how it works: Click on the button in the right-hand corner. In your Organisation, select Batch Payment and click on CREATE A REQUEST: You can now add Bills to a Batch ...