How can I create a Purchase Order in ApprovalMax?

How can I create a Purchase Order in ApprovalMax?

To create a Purchase Order (or any other request) in ApprovalMax, click on the "+NEW REQUEST" button in the top right-hand corner near your Avatar: 

In the pop-up window, select the request type from the respective Organisation and click on "CREATE A REQUEST":

The Purchase Order request form looks similar to the form in QuickBooks Online, Xero or NetSuite.
Specify the order details such as contact (vendor), item details, quantity, etc. (item details are normally synced from Xero/ QuickBooks Online/ NetSuite).

Purchase Order form for Xero users:

If you want to email approved Purchase Orders automatically to the supplier, tick the "Automatically email approved Purchase Order to supplier" checkbox:

You can add attachments to that email by clicking on "Add an attachment" under "Attachments to supplier".

Purchase Order form for QuickBooks Online users:

If you want to email approved Purchase Orders automatically to the vendor, tick the "Automatically email approved Purchase Order to vendor" checkbox:

You can add attachments to that email by clicking on "Add attachment" under "Attachments to vendor".

Purchase Order form for NetSuite users:

To add a line, click on the "+ Add a line" button.
You can copy a line by clicking on the icon and selecting "Clone a line", or remove a line by selecting "Remove a line".

To move a line item, click on the icon and do so via drag and drop.

To attach a document to your Purchase Order, click on "Add an attachment":

When you're done and now want to proceed with the Purchase Order's approval, click on the    button.
To save your changes as a draft, click on the  icon.
If you want to delete or cancel your Purchase Order, click on the  icon. 

When you simply close the Purchase Order request form, it will be automatically saved as a draft.

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