How can I copy workflow settings to another Organisation? (Stand-alone)
ApprovalMax supports a tool that allows to copy a workflow setup between different workflow types in the same Organisation and between different Organisations under the same account. The Copy Workflow tool helps to reduce the time needed for the workflow setup and allows to roll out additional Organisations/workflows faster.
Which workflows can be copied?
- Different workflow types in the same Organisation
- Different workflow types in different (multiple) Organisations under the same account
Please note: The target Organisation should not be retired. Such Organisations will not be displayed as available options.
How to copy a workflow to multiple other workflows
In the main menu, select the Organisation of the workflow you want to copy and go to Approval workflows under Workflows and settings. Open the original workflow:
- Click on the three-dot icon and select “Copy workflow”:
- Under the COPY TO MULTIPLE WORKFLOWS tab, select the target Organisation and the target workflow(s).
If you want to copy a workflow to multiple Organisations and workflow(s) simultaneously, select one target Organisation and the target workflows. Then, select another target Organisation and the target workflows. When ready, click on DONE:
It is also possible to copy the workflow’s settings by ticking the checkbox for “Copy workflow settings”.
- With the copying completed, a pop-up is displayed.
Who can copy a workflow to another workflow?
Only Administrators/Workflow Managers/Account Owners can copy workflows.
If workflow values differ from one Organisation to another, they will be ignored during the copying
Please note: The whole workflow setup gets copied from the original workflow to the target workflow and overwrites it. These changes cannot be revoked.
Please note: The Auto-approval step does not get copied due to security reasons (because if some parameters are omitted during the copying, it could lead to all/some requests getting approved automatically).
Please note: To ensure consistency, the old workflow will still be applied to documents
that are already Awaiting Approval. However,
it is possible to apply the new workflow settings to already created but not yet approved requests by clicking on Restart the workflow.