How can I connect ApprovalMax to NetSuite?

How can I connect ApprovalMax to NetSuite?

NetSuite connection overview

Currently, ApprovalMax supports manual TBA (token-based authentication) when an Administrator needs to generate tokens in the NetSuite User Interface (UI) to manually copy them to the ApprovalMax UI later.

In order to set up a connection between ApprovalMax and NetSuite, we need the following data from the NetSuite account:



NetSuite Account Id
In NetSuite, go to Setup > Company > Company Information, or copy the account ID from the URL. 

Consumer Key
See below how to generate this key

Consumer Secret
See below how to generate this key

Token ID
See below how to generate this key

Token Secret
See below how to generate this key

Subsidiary ID
In NetSuite, go to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries and find the ID for the selected subsidiary in the ”INTERNAL ID” field.

In NetSuite, go to Home > Set Preferences and find the timezone selected for a user on behalf of whom the API tokens were generated.

In order to generate the 4 keys above, the following actions are required:

  1. Enable token-based authentication and SOAP web services

  2. Create an integration record

  3. Create a role and assign it to a user

  4. Create an access token for the integration record, the user and the role

Enable token-based authentication and SOAP web services

Go to NetSuite Setup > Company > Enable Features > Suite Cloud > Manage Authentication
and tick the TOKEN-BASED AUTHENTICATION checkbox:

Go to NetSuite Setup > Company > Enable Features > Suite Clou
d > Manage Authentication
and activate the SOAP WEB SERVICES checkbox:

Create an integration record

Go to NetSuite Setup > Integration > Manage Integrations, tap the New button and create a new integration.

A Consumer Key and Consumer Secret will be generated after the integration record's creation.
Copy the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret values to be used in the setup configuration.
Please note: the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret values are displayed only once, so make sure you copy them before going to another page.

Create a role and assign it to a user

Go to NetSuite Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.
In Accessible Subsidiaries, choose either ALL or SELECTED.
Create a role and assign the necessary permissions as shown in the table below:
Permissions tabPermissionLevel
Expense ReportFull
Find TransactionFull
Item ReceiptFull
Purchase OrderFull
Return Auth. ApprovalFull
Return AuthorizationFull
Sales OrderFull
Sales Order ApprovalFull
Vendor Bill ApprovalFull
Vendor Return Auth. ApprovalFull
Vendor Return AuthorizationFull
Accounts Payable RegisterView
Amortization SchedulesView
Documents and FilesCreate
Employee RecordView
Expense CategoriesView
Tax RecordsView
Accounting ListsView
Custom Body FieldsView
Custom Column FieldsView
Custom SegmentsView
Deleted RecordsView
Manage Accounting PeriodsView
SOAP Web ServicesFull
User Access TokensFull
Custom Record<Custom Record Type used in custom fields or segments added to ApprovalMax>View

Assign the role to that user who will be used for the integration.
Go to Lists > Employees > Employees > Edit User > Access tab > Roles sub-tab.

Tokens will be generated for this user.
All changes made by ApprovalMax in the NetSuite account (like Vendor Bill updates) will be logged in the history on behalf of this user.

Create an access token

Go to NetSuite Setup > Users/Roles > Access Tokens > New.
Create an access token for a combination of integration record, user and role.

The Token ID and Token Secret will be generated after the access token's creation; do keep them safe because they are visible only once.

Please copy the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret values to be used in the setup configuration.

Connect ApprovalMax to NetSuite

  1. In the main menu select your ApprovalMax Organisation and open "Organisation Settings" page under "Workflows and setting" section.
  2. Click on the "CONNECT" button next to "Approval workflows for Oracle Netsuite":
  3. Copy the generated tokens and click on CONNECT:

  1. Now, your ApprovalMax Organisation is connected to the NetSuite subsidiary, and you can set up approval workflows. 

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