How can I add users in ApprovalMax? (Cin7 Core)

How can I add users in ApprovalMax? (Cin7 Core)

This is how you add users in ApprovalMax:

  • Go to the main menu, select your Organisation and open the Users page under Workflows And Settings:

  • Click on the  button and type in the user’s email address. 
    You can enter multiple email addresses; separated by a comma, semicolon, or whitespace. Check below how to add users in bulk.
  • Then, click on the  button. When all users are listed, click on NEXT:

  • In the dialogue window, specify whether you want to invite these users right away or not. Optionally, you can leave a short message there to be sent with the invitation email:

  • To send the invitation, click on FINISH.
  • Once the invitation has been sent, the status is Pending.
    You can resend the invitation by clicking on Invite Again, or Off-board User respectively:

  • When the invitee has accepted the invitation, their status changes to Active and you can proceed with the settings for this person (assign appropriate roles / set up approval workflows).

This is how you add users in bulk:

Adding a large number of users in one go is easy:
  • Go to the main menu, select your Organisation and open the Users page under Workflows And Settings.
  • Click on the ADD USERS button.
  • Enter the users' email addresses via copy-paste or type in each email address one by one, separated by a space, and click on ADD:

  1. To skip inviting users for the moment, keep the default “Do not invite” and click on FINISH.
  2. To invite these persons and make them active users of the approval workflows, select “Invite the users by email right away”:

    Users that were added to ApprovalMax but have not yet been invited are displayed on the Users page with the status Not Invited:

Feel free to watch our video tutorial for a walk-through.

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