How are Expenses reflected in reporting?

How are Expenses reflected in reporting?

Users with the Administrator or Auditor role have access to a reporting tool.

An Organisation Administrator/Auditor can set up new reports to suit their needs.

This is how you create such a report:

  1. On the Reports page, start creating a new report by clicking on the NEW REPORT button:

  2. In the first screen, select Expense and click on NEXT:

  3. In the next screen, specify the filters and click on NEXT:

  4. In the following screen, you can select the columns you want to be visible:

    When ready, click on NEXT.

  5. In the final screen, name your report and click on CREATE:

  6. You'll now see all Expenses according to the filters you've set via the second screen:

     Such reports can be scheduled, printed or downloaded as a CSV file.


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