ApprovalMax supports the 10-cent deviation rule during the auto-marking of Purchase Orders as Billed. What does this mean exactly? ApprovalMax supports the automatic marking of Purchase Order(s) as Billed on the approval of the last Bill matched to ...
ApprovalMax supports the automatic marking of a Purchase Order as Billed on the approval of the last Bill matched to that Purchase Order - if the following conditions are met: All Bills matched to this Purchase Order have been pushed to Xero and ...
Purchase Order creation There are two ways of creating Purchase Orders for authorisation in ApprovalMax; they can either be created directly in ApprovalMax or get pulled from Xero. Purchase Order approval When you submit a Purchase Order for ...
The previous version of Matching functionality will no longer be supported starting from 1 April 2023. This means that all Organisations should migrate to the new data format to continue using the Bill-to-PO Matching feature. If your Organisation’s ...
The current Bill Approver or an Organisation's Administrator can match Bills to approved Purchase Orders with the same currency and supplier up to the point where the Bill gets approved* / the Purchase Order is closed - provided the Administrator has ...