Does my ApprovalMax password expire?
No, the password to your ApprovalMax account does not expire.
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About ApprovalMax
ApprovalMax was founded in March 2014 by a team of workflow/BPM professionals who are passionate about easy tools that reduce complexity, deliver simplicity, and just work. Our goal is to provide finance managers and accounting outsourcing companies ...
Password policy
Having a strong password is an important part of protecting your information. Use 8 or more characters Use upper and lower case letters (e.g. Aa) Use a number (e.g. 1234) Use a special character/symbol (e.g. !@#$) Different from your other passwords ...
Does a link for signing up to ApprovalMax expire?
Yes, the link in a sign-up email will expire after 10 days.
Can I reset my ApprovalMax password on mobile devices?
Yes, you can reset your ApprovalMax password using the mobile app - provided that you have enabled 2FA for your account. To reset your password, click on the "Forgot password?" link: Type in your email address and click on "PROCEED": Enter the ...