The ApprovalMax Customer Feedback tool helps to obtain customer insights and feature requests.
To access feedback tool click on you Avatar in the right-hand corner and open "Customer feedback": Alternatively, click on "Vote now" from the main menu:
ApprovalMax supports setting up a default Email to the Customer for Xero-connected Organisations. This is how it works: In the main menu, select the Organisation and open Approval Workflows under Workflows And Settings. Open the Quote workflow. Click ...
ApprovalMax supports setting up a default Email to the Customer for Organisations connected to QuickBooks Online. This is how it works: In the main menu, select the Organisation for which you want to set up a default Email to the Customer and open ...
For QuickBooks Online Sales Invoices created in ApprovalMax, you can configure an email that will be sent to the customer once a Sales Invoice has been fully approved. This email is triggered if the checkbox for "Automatically email approved Sales ...
An approved Quote that was sent to a customer can be re-sent using the RE-SEND A QUOTE button: If a Requester did not activate the checkbox Automatically Email Quotes to the Customer and their Quote has now been authorised, they can still send this ...
For Quotes created in ApprovalMax, the platform offers the functionality to configure an email that will be sent to the Customer once a Quote has been fully approved. This email is triggered if the checkbox "Automatically email approved Quotes" has ...