ApprovalMax product walk-through: How to copy a Bill or Purchase Order to create a new Bill for approval directly in ApprovalMax You can also refer to this article: How to copy Xero Purchase Orders to a ...
Firstly, the Administrator must ensure that Purchase Order Matching is enabled in the Bill Approval workflow settings. Select your Organisation in the main menu and open "Approval workflows" page under "Workflows and settings" section. Click on the ...
Yes, this is perfectly possible. The current Bill Approvers and the Organisation's Administrators can easily match Bills to Purchase Orders in our mobile app. Simply click on the "MATCH" button in the Bill: Next, select the Purchase Orders for ...
There are several options for creating Bills which are then run through the approval workflow in ApprovalMax. Each one has advantages as well as disadvantages, depending on your business needs. Among them: Without going through the approval workflow: ...
Purchase Orders (PO) can only be matched to Bills if: PO and Bill have the same Supplier and Currency PO is not marked as "Billed". The billed status can be revised. PO date does not exceed the Bill date (if the "No, do not allow matching Bills with ...