Can I do a trial without using my real data from Xero?

Can I do a trial without using my real data from Xero?

Yes! You can find out how ApprovalMax works by connecting to a Demo Company, which can be created in Xero for that purpose. This way, you can test all ApprovalMax features without affecting your real Xero data in any way.

This is how you connect ApprovalMax to a Demo Company in Xero:
  • Make sure you have a Demo Company created in your Xero account.
  • Click on "Try the Demo Company".

  • In the main menu, find your Organisation. Then open Organisation Settings and the Connection page under Workflows And Settings.
  • Click on the Connect to Xero button and select your Xero Demo Company. 
  • Grant ApprovalMax permission to access your basic profile details and email address.
Please note: an ApprovalMax Organisation cannot be reconnected to a different Xero Organisation due to technical reasons. But you can always create a new Organisation in ApprovalMax and then connect this one to another Xero Organisation.

This is how you switch to your real data:
When you're ready to work in ApprovalMax with your real data, delete the ApprovalMax Organisation that was used for the initial test phase and create a new one. Then connect this new ApprovalMax Organisation to your actual Organisation in Xero. 

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