ApprovalMax supports the 10-cent deviation rule during the auto-marking of Purchase Orders as Billed. What does this mean exactly? ApprovalMax supports the automatic marking of Purchase Order(s) as Billed on the approval of the last Bill matched to ...
Firstly, the Administrator must ensure that Purchase Order Matching is enabled in the Bill Approval workflow settings. Select your Organisation in the main menu and open "Approval workflows" page under "Workflows and settings" section. Click on the ...
ApprovalMax supports the automatic marking of a Purchase Order as Billed on the approval of the last Bill matched to that Purchase Order - if the following conditions are met: All Bills matched to this Purchase Order have been pushed to Xero and ...
In the main menu, select the Organisation for which you want to specify an auto-approval step. Then go to "Approval workflows" page under "Workflows and settings" section: Open the workflow for which you want to specify an auto-approval step and ...
ApprovalMax enables Approvers to manually match incoming Bills to the initial Purchase Orders before making their approval decision. This allows for much more control and accuracy at this stage of the approval process. Approvals can be restricted to ...