Bill-to-PO Matching: How can I restrict the approval of not fully matched Bills?

Bill-to-PO Matching: How can I restrict the approval of not fully matched Bills?

As Administrator, you can restrict the approval of Bills not fully allocated to PO(s).

  1. Select your Organisation in the main menu and open "Approval workflows" page under "Workflows and settings" section.

  2. Click on the Bill workflow.
  3. Click on the gear icon and scroll down.
     Depending on the business case, follow the settings:
    1. All Bills in your Organisation must be matched and all Bills must be fully allocated:

    2. All Bills in your Organisation must be matched and Bills up to XX USD can be not fully allocated (the allocation is not checked): 

    3. All Bills in your Organisation must be matched and 5 % of the Bill amount can be not allocated:

    4. Bills up to XX USD can be approved without matching:

      The settings for “Can a Bill be approved if its Allocated amount is less than its total amount (considering the net/gross setting)?” remains the same as above depending on your case.