Status of Batch Payments in ApprovalMax | Comment |
Draft | The creation of an Airwallex Batch Payment has been started; it has not yet been submitted for approval. |
On Approval | The Batch Payment has been submitted for approval. |
Rejected | The Batch Payment has been Rejected, or all Line Items have the payment status Rejected. |
Cancelled | The Batch Payment has been Cancelled. |
Awaiting Payment | The Airwallex Batch Payment has been approved and is waiting to be sent for payment with Airwallex. |
Processing | Any Line Item in the status Processing. |
Paid | All Line Items with the payment status Sent. |
Partially Paid | Some Line Items have the payment status Sent; others have the payment status Failed/Cancelled/Rejected. |
Failed | All Line Items have the payment status Failed/Cancelled/Rejected. |
Batch Line Item status in ApprovalMax | Comment |
Processing | The payment was sent with Airwallex but has not been Confirmed/Cancelled/Failed/Rejected. |
Sent | Airwallex successfully made a transfer to the beneficiary. |
Failed | The transfer receipt has Failed (e.g. incorrect beneficiary account number). |
Rejected | This status is set if Airwallex fails to create a payment (e.g., insufficient account balance). |
Cancelled | The transfer has been Cancelled without the option to get resent. This status is set manually in
Airwallex/ApprovalMax, or automatically three days after the status Failed is applied. |