Bill-to-PO Matching: advanced settings for Bill-to-Purchase Order Matching

Bill-to-PO Matching: advanced settings for Bill-to-Purchase Order Matching

Firstly, the Administrator must ensure that Purchase Order Matching is enabled in the Bill Approval workflow settings.

This is how it works
  • Select your Organisation in the main menu and open Approval workflows under Workflows and settings:

  • Click on Bill workflow:
  • Click on the Gear icon and scroll down. Check if the option "Allow users to match Bills to Purchase Orders" has been activated:

  • Decide on the advanced settings, which are explained in detail below:

    Can a Bill be approved if it has not been matched to a Purchase Order?

    Yes, unmatched Bills can be approved
    The approval of Bills that have not been matched to their corresponding Purchase Order(s) is allowed
    Yes, unmatched Bills up to the following amount can be approved
    The approval of Bills up to the specified amount that have not been matched to their corresponding Purchase Order(s) is allowed
    No, unmatched Bills cannot be approved
    The approval of Bills that have not been matched to their corresponding Purchase Order(s) is restricted

    NotesPlease note: If either “Yes, unmatched Bills up to the following amount can be approved” or “No, unmatched Bills cannot be approved” is selected, the next setting "Can a Bill be approved if its allocated amount is less than its total amount (considering the net/gross setting)?" becomes available for selection.

    Can a Bill be approved if its allocated amount is less than its total amount (considering the net/gross setting)?
    This setting regulates whether or not a Bill can be approved if it has not been fully matched to Purchase Orders. The Administrator can set a percentage of the difference between a Bill's allocated amount and its total amount.
    This setting is active if it is mandatory for approving to match Bills.

    Yes, such a Bill can be approvedThe approval of Bills that have not been fully matched to their corresponding Purchase Order(s) is allowed
    Yes, the allocated amount is not validated for Bills up to the following amount XX The approval of Bills up to the specified amount that have not been matched to their corresponding Purchase Order(s) is allowed
    Yes, the Bill can be approved if the difference between its allocated amount and its total amount is less than XX%The approval of Bills with an amount for allocation up to the specified percentage that have not been fully matched to their corresponding Purchase Order(s) is allowed

    Can a Bill be approved if the remaining balance of any matched Purchase Order is below zero?
    This setting regulates whether or not Bills can be approved even if the amount of all matched Bills exceeds the amount of the matched Purchase Order(s).
    The Administrator can set an amount limit for the remaining Purchase Order balance so that the matched Bills can exceed the matched Purchase Order(s) by a certain amount and get approved.
    Yes, such Bills can be approvedBills can be approved if the Purchase Order's remaining balance is below zero
    Yes, such Bills can be approved if the Purchase Order's remaining balance is no more than X per cent below zeroBills can be approved if the Purchase Order's remaining balance is no more than X per cent below zero
    Such Bills can be approved if the Purchase Order's remaining balance is no more than N below zeroBills can be approved if the Purchase Order's remaining balance is no more than N below zero
    No, such Bills cannot be approvedBills can be approved only if the Purchase Order balance is above or equal to zero

    Should it be possible to add the Requester of a matched Purchase Order as a Bill Approver to the active approval step?
    This setting regulates whether or not the Requesters of matched Purchase Orders can be added as a Bill Approver in the current step following the rules below:
    1. The Requester is not already an Approver in this step
    2. The approval condition for this step is "All"
    3. Add Requesters automatically after matching: if the setting “Yes, automatically add all of the Requesters (if applicable)” is set
    4. If an Approver has selected Purchase Order Requesters in the pop-up window and confirmed adding them as an Approver
    No The approval of Bills up to the specified amount that have not been matched to their corresponding Purchase Order(s) is allowed
    Yes, display a list of Requesters that can be addedThe approval of Bills with an amount for allocation up to the specified percentage that have not been fully matched to their corresponding Purchase Order(s) is allowed
    Yes, automatically add all of the Requesters (if applicable)The approval of Bills that have not been fully matched to their corresponding Purchase Order(s) is restricted

    Can a Bill be matched to a Purchase Order which has a later date?
    This setting regulates whether or not Bills can be matched to Purchase Order(s) issued later than the corresponding Bill.

    Yes, allow matching Bills to retrospective Purchase OrdersMatching Bills to Purchase Order(s) that were issued later than the corresponding Bill is allowed
    No, do not allow matching Bills to retrospective Purchase OrdersMatching Bills to Purchase Order(s) that were issued later than the corresponding Bill is restricted

    Which type of amounts should be used in the matching allocations?
    The remaining balances are calculated depending on whether the setting is currently gross or net.

    Gross amountsThe remaining balance is calculated as the difference between the gross amount and the sum of all allocations
    Net amountsThe remaining balance is calculated as the difference between the net amount and the sum of all allocations