About ApprovalMax
Where does ApprovalMax get the exchange rate from?
The Exchange Rates feature allows users to apply accurate currency conversions when processing and approving finance documents such as Invoices, Purchase Orders and Expense Claims. This ensures that the financial records and reports reflect the most ...
What integrations does ApprovalMax support?
ApprovalMax supports integrations with: The cloud accounting systems Xero QuickBooks Online NetSuite Cin7 Core The OCR system Dext (for Xero and QuickBooks Online) The payment system Airwallex The communication platform Slack And there are two ...
Is there a trial for ApprovalMax?
Yes, ApprovalMax offers a 14-day* trial with all features available free of charge. You don’t need any pre-approval or enter your credit card details for this. *Note: If you already have an ApprovalMax subscription and want to add a new Organisation ...
Does the Dext-ApprovalMax integration work with other accounting systems?
Unfortunately, currently, the integration with Dext only works together with the two accounting systems QuickBooks Online and Xero. See what integrations does ApprovalMax support.
Does ApprovalMax support an integration with Sage?
Currently, ApprovalMax does not support an integration with Sage. We are considering this for future implementation though. However, no ETA can be provided at present. See what integrations does ApprovalMax support.
About ApprovalMax
ApprovalMax was founded in March 2014 by a team of workflow/BPM professionals who are passionate about easy tools that reduce complexity, deliver simplicity, and just work. Our goal is to provide finance managers and accounting outsourcing companies ...
What is the "Setup and Training" package?
If you are busy with your daily activities but want the app to be up and running as soon as possible, the ApprovalMax Setup and Training Package might be the right thing for you. The ApprovalMax Setup and Training Package includes: Requirements and ...
Which workflows does ApprovalMax support?
ApprovalMax supports workflows for several cloud accounting products and can also serve as a stand-alone solution. Xero Integration ApprovalMax for Xero Accounts Payable Purchase Order workflow Bill workflow AP Credit Note workflow Xero Batch Payment ...