ApprovalMax Standalone Solution
Approval decision policy (Stand-alone)
If you have the same Approvers in several steps of an approval workflow, you can decide whether they all have to approve in each and every one of the steps, or if the approval decision made in the first step is to be applied to all other steps too. ...
Can I specify how many Approvers need to approve in order to authorise a step? (Stand-alone)
ApprovalMax supports two approval conditions: “All” and “Any of”. They determine how many of the Approvers are required to complete the step — either all or a number of the assigned Approvers.
Getting started guide for stand-alone workflows
What is a stand-alone workflow? Stand-alone workflows are not connected to any online accounting platform. They can be used for the approval of any request or document, e.g. contract approval, capital expenditure (CapEx), supplier approval, request ...
Approval conditions (Stand-alone)
In any approval step, there can be multiple Approvers. If this is the case, you can specify how such a request should be handled. For this, you can choose between two approval conditions: “All” and “Any of”. They determine how many of the Approvers ...
How can I test a stand-alone solution?
Please follow the steps below to test a stand-alone solution: In the Organisation selection section click on "+ Add an Organisation": In the pop-up window, select Connect Later and click on NEXT: Then, click on the CREATE button and design your own ...
Attaching files to stand-alone requests in ApprovalMax
During the creation of stand-alone requests in ApprovalMax, you can attach files. However, some technical limitations do apply. Below are supported file extensions, size and number of files that can be attached: · File extensions: any - except .exe, ...
How can I create new fields in a request form? (Stand-alone)
In stand-alone requests, you can create any drop-down field you need. To do that, open the approval matrix of the respective stand-alone workflow: Click on “Add field” and type in a name for the new field: In the approval matrix, you can create ...
How can I set up an approval workflow for travel requests, and how do I create a travel request? (Stand-alone)
ApprovalMax also supports other types of workflows, e.g., for the approval of contracts or travel requests. This is how you can set up a workflow for travel requests: Click on the "CREATE" button to create a new workflow: Add Requesters and ...
Contract approvals (Stand-alone)
Stand-alone requests allow users to initiate approval processes for specific documents or transactions independent of any existing workflow/ integration with accounting system. ApprovalMax enables multi-step approval workflows for such matters. Among ...
How can I set up ApprovalMax as a stand-alone solution?
Apart from working seamlessly with a number of accounting platforms, ApprovalMax can also help improve other workflows within an organisation to increase transparency and control. Typical examples include contract approvals, capital expenditures ...