ApprovalMax Standalone Solution
How can I download an approval workflow for my Stand-alone Organisation?
ApprovalMax supports the download of approval workflows as a PDF file for audit purposes. This is how it works: In the main menu, select your Organisation and open Approval workflows page under "Workflows and settings" section: Click on the workflow ...
What data can be extracted from ApprovalMax? (Stand-alone)
You can extract the following data from ApprovalMax: 1. Workflows in the PDF format 2. Audit report archives 3. Archives with the attachments of requests 4. Organisation Administrator can generate and download reports in the CSV format.
Can I download multiple audit reports in a single archive? (Stand-alone)
Yes, multiple audit reports can be downloaded as an archive with a single click. This facilitates the preparation of the document package for bulk payment approvals. This is how you download multiple audit reports in a single archive: Go to the main ...
How is the approval deadline calculated? (stand-alone)
During the workflow setup, you can specify a point in time by which a particular approval step should be finalised. ApprovalMax supports two types of approval deadline calculation: Based on the submission: With this calculation method, ApprovalMax ...
How can I set up an approval deadline? (stand-alone)
During the workflow setup, you can specify a point in time by which a particular approval step should be completed. To do so, click on the "clock" icon in the approval step. By default, the approval deadline is not set. ApprovalMax supports setting ...
Does ApprovalMax support cryptocurrencies?
Yes, ApprovalMax supports the following cryptocurrencies for stand-alone requests: Bitcoin (BTC) Bitcoin Cash (BCH) BNB (BNB) Cardano (ADA) Dogecoin (DOGE) ETC (Ethereum Classic) Ethereum (ETH) LINK (Chainlink) Litecoin (LTC) Tether USDT (USDT) TRON ...
How to add a Watcher to a request (Stand-alone)
In your Organisation, open the request to which you want to add a Watcher. To choose a Watcher, click on the button: In the Change Watchers window, click on the Add Watcher button and select a Watcher from the list: When all required Watchers have ...
Who can be added as a Watcher? (Stand-alone)
You can add users from the same Organisation as the request to act as a Watcher for that specific request. This means that users who belong to the same Organisation as the request can be designated as Watchers to ensure that they receive ...
Who can edit/delete a Watcher? (Stand-alone)
Watchers (for themselves) Organisation Administrators The same user who added the Watcher
Who can add Watchers to a request? (Stand-alone)
Other watchers Requesters Any Approver of the request (in any approval step) Organisation Administrators Watchers, Requesters, and Approvers are eligible to hold any Organisation role (e.g., auditor, user, etc.) allowing them to add watchers to a ...
What Watchers can/cannot do (Stand-alone)
As a Watcher in ApprovalMax, you have certain capabilities and restrictions. Here's a breakdown of what Watchers can and cannot do: Watchers can Watchers cannot View the document details Change the status of a document (approve or reject) Receive ...
What is the Watcher functionality? (Stand-alone)
The Watcher functionality in ApprovalMax allows users to closely monitor and stay informed about specific approval requests within the system. When a user is assigned as a Watcher for a particular request, they will receive notifications and updates ...
Can I download an attachment archive for all requests? (Stand-alone)
Yes, the attachment archive for all requests can be downloaded with a single click. This is how you download multiple audit reports in a single archive: Go to the main menu, select your Organisation and open the Reports page under the Reports ...
How can I set up an approval matrix? (Stand-alone)
This is how you define the conditions for the selection of Approvers in a step: In the main menu, select your Organisation and go to Approval Workflows under Workflows And Settings. Select an approval workflow, or create a new one: Navigate to the ...
How can I set a "Does not match" condition in the approval matrix? (Stand-alone)
The approval matrix allows the definition of rules that determine which Approvers will be selected for each particular request. Conditions are set based on the Requester/values for created custom fields. Although positive rules are set by default, ...
Workflow version history (Stand-alone)
ApprovalMax supports a workflow versioning feature to review the previous versions of a workflow. Every workflow version has the following data: Author Creation date Version # Comment By clicking on the clock icon, a list of the archived workflow ...
Why are the links that were added to a stand-alone request not clickable?
Links that were added to a stand-alone request are not clickable because this would pose a security risk. To minimise the risk of clicking on a phishing link, ApprovalMax does not support hyperlinks in stand-alone workflows.
Is it possible to set up approver in the next step, based on the previous approver? (Stand-alone)
No, currently, it is not possible to set up next step approver in approval workflow based on the previous step.
What happens if I delete the workflow? (Stand-alone)
If you accidentally delete your workflow, it is not possible to recover it, unfortunately. You can create a new workflow from scratch or copy/adjust it.
Video: How to configure Auto-Approvals (Stand-alone)
ApprovalMax product walk-through: how to configure Auto-Approvals
How can I copy workflow settings to another Organisation? (Stand-alone)
ApprovalMax supports a tool that allows to copy a workflow setup between different workflow types in the same Organisation and between different Organisations under the same account. The Copy Workflow tool helps to reduce the time needed for the ...
Is it possible to run reports for offboarded users? (Stand-alone)
No, once a user has been deleted (offboarded), reports with the name of this user will not be available. It is also not possible to run reports for requests created by a deleted user.
Can I copy users between Organisations? (Stand-alone)
ApprovalMax does not support a feature for copying users from one Organisation to another. However, as a workaround, you can use the copy workflow function and copy users with this. Then, just open the Users page under Workflows And Settings and ...
How can I add users in ApprovalMax? (Stand-alone)
This is how you add users in ApprovalMax: In the main menu, select your Organisation and open the Users page under Workflows And Settings. Click on and type in the user’s email address. You can enter multiple email addresses; separated by a comma, ...
How can Administrators manage Substitutes? (Stand-alone)
When Approvers go on holiday, they or the Administrator can assign a Substitute to handle approval requests on their behalf as well as set a start and end date. During this period, all approval requests normally heading to the absent Approver will ...
How can I copy rules from one user to another? (Stand-alone)
ApprovalMax provides Organisation Administrators with the option to copy rules between Requesters and Approvers within the same step in the matrix and as well different steps of the same approval workflow. Here is how this can be done: In the main ...
For which Organisations are stand-alone workflows available?
Stand-alone workflows are available for Organisations with: Normal trials Advanced feature trials with a standard subscription Premium subscriptions Partner status: Partners* can nominate one of their Organisations as a free Partner edition ...
How to delete (offboard) users in ApprovalMax (Stand-alone)
The Offboarding feature allows you to delete (offboard) users without leaving unnecessary traces that could block other operations in this Organisation. You can also replace offboarded users in their role as authors of requests in the workflows. For ...
How to set up an Auto-Approval step (Stand-alone)
In the main menu, select the Organisation for which you want to add an Auto-Approval step. Then go to Approval workflows under Workflows and settings: Open the workflow for which you want to set up an Auto-Approval step and click on the + button: ...
How can I change the time zone for my stand-alone Organisation?
Only an Organisation Account Owner can change its time zone. This is how the time zone can be changed: In ApprovalMax, open the "Organisation settings" page and select your preferred time zone: Save the changes you made.
How can I change the default currency? (Stand-alone)
This is how you can change the default currency in an Organisation that uses stand-alone workflows: Open the main menu and select your Organisation. Navigate to the "Organisation settings" page under "Workflows and settings" section. Select a new ...
Can I enter my own values in the fields of a stand-alone request?
Unfortunately, you can only use the predefined values that have been specified in the approval matrix by an Administrator of the Organisation.
How alternative rules in the approval matrix work (Stand-alone)
The approval matrix allows the definition of rules that determine which Approvers will be selected for each particular request. Conditions are set based on the master data created in the approval matrix. This is how you add an alternative rule: In ...
Parallel and sequential approvals (Stand-alone)
ApprovalMax supports both parallel and sequential approvals for documents. Set parallel approvals if you have several approvers in one step and need any or all of them to approve a document. Set sequential approvals if you have approvers from ...
Report scheduler (Stand-alone)
It is now possible to schedule the sending of reports. This is how it works: In the main menu, select your Organisation and open "Request reports" page under the "Reports" section. Open report and click on the clock icon: Add a rule name, type in the ...
Where I can find a reporting function? (Stand-alone)
To access the reporting feature, in the main menu select your Organisation and open "Request reports": Here you have the option to create your own report with filters that reflect your particular needs. This is how you set up your own stand-alone ...
What is a Default Approver? (Stand-alone)
When a new value is added to a field in the workflow, chances are that this is not reflected in the approval matrix for a particular step. To avoid an automatic approval of such not yet allocated requests, a “Default Approver” can be specified for ...
How can I assign a new role to a user? (Stand-alone)
Company admins can assign different roles to the users. To assign a new role to a user, simply navigate to the Users page under the main menu and select a role from the drop-down menu next to the user:
Roles in ApprovalMax (Stand-alone)
There are three types of roles in ApprovalMax: Account-based, Organisation-based and Workflow-based roles. Within one Organisation a user in ApprovalMax can have one Account-based or Organisation-based role and at the same time be assigned to several ...
How can I specify instructions for Requesters? (Stand-alone)
An Organisation's Administrator can provide a message that will be shown to Requesters during request creation. This is how instructions for Stand-alone Requesters can be set up: In the main menu select your Organisation and open "Approval workflows" ...
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