ApprovalMax Pay
Is it possible for Payers to schedule a Batch Payment?
ApprovalMax does support scheduled Batch Payments. This helps businesses optimise their payment schedules for financial stability, foster Vendor relationships and make efficient financial planning. Any Payer from the workflow can schedule fully ...
Does ApprovalMax Pay support overdraft payments?
If your bank account has an overdraft facility, you can allow sending payments via ApprovalMax Pay even if the available balance of this connected bank account is not enough to cover the payment. This is how it works: Navigate to Approval workflows > ...
Checking the Contact payment details
Contact payment details are used for Batch Payment transactions in ApprovalMax Pay. ApprovalMax verifies the Contact payment details during Batch Payment creation: When a Batch Payment request is submitted, or you click on the Check Payment Details ...
Can I restrict who makes payments with ApprovalMax Pay?
You can effectively manage payment authorisation. On the Batch Payment Workflow page, you can specify particular users as Payers, which enables them to make payments. This control helps you enhance security and prevents unauthorised transactions.
Who can add bank accounts and manage user access to them in ApprovalMax Pay?
Organisation Administrators and Account Owners have the authority to add bank accounts. Please note: To execute payments via open banking, you must have access to the bank account to confirm the transactions.
Banks supported by ApprovalMax Pay
ApprovalMax Pay currently supports payments within the UK and uses open banking technology, which allows secure access to banking data via APIs. Currently, the following banks are supported: Allied Irish Bank Allied Irish Bank Business American ...
Where can I find Batch Payments that are Pending Payment?
This is where you'll find batches that are Pending Payment: • Ready to Pay section: This section at the top left of the screen is accessible to Payers only and displays pending payments. • Batch Payments tab: Check the Awaiting Payment and Processing ...
How can I purchase the add-on ApprovalMax Pay?
ApprovalMax Pay is now available for purchase for Xero-connected Organisations. Stripe-billed/ 2Checkout subscriptions and the GBP currency are supported. This is how you purchase ApprovalMax Pay: Go to Billing & Subscriptions under your avatar: If ...
How to merge Bills from the same Supplier into a single transaction
To simplify your payment process and reduce transaction costs, you can merge Bills from the same Supplier into a single transaction. Merging Bills in a Batch Payment has several benefits: Streamlined payment process: Instead of processing multiple ...
How does the reconciliation work?
When a Bill was paid in ApprovalMax and the payment has been confirmed in your banking system: ApprovalMax creates automatically a Payment in Xero against this Bill: If your bank feed is connected to Xero, bank transactions are regularly imported ...
Video: How to use ApprovalMax Pay
ApprovalMax product walk-through: how to use ApprovalMax Pay:
What is ApprovalMax Pay?
ApprovalMax Pay is a new add-on that enables users to manage payments securely in one place. It uses the open banking technology to pay approved Bills directly from ApprovalMax. With built-in approvals and audit trails, ApprovalMax Pay reduces the ...
Why is it not possible to confirm a Payment?
A failing Payment confirmation may stem from various reasons, including: A user has declined the Payment The QR code activation period has expired The bank services are currently not available The Payment has already been completed We recommend to ...
Why has my bank account connection failed?
There are various reasons why connecting your bank account may have failed, such as: The connection process has been cancelled by the user The QR code activation period has expired Your bank services are currently not available This bank account has ...
How to pay a Batch Payment
When all approvals are in place, the Batch Payment is ready for payment by authorised Payers. This is how paying a batch in ApprovalMax works Open the approved Batch Payment and click on the PAY button: You can pay each Bill separately*. Select a ...
How to edit Contact payment details
Please note: it is important to grant user permissions to allow access to the Contact Details section. This is how you edit or remove Contact payment details: Find your Organisation and open the Contact Payment Details page under Workflows And ...
How to set up a Batch Payment workflow
This is how you set up a Batch Payment workflow: Find your Organisation and open Approval Workflows under Workflows And Settings: Select the respective approval workflow: The first step is Batch Payment Creation. Here you can add users who are ...
How to create a Batch Payment
This is how you enable Batch Payment creation in ApprovalMax Pay First, you need to set up and activatea Batch Payment workflow. In its Payment Creation section, you can specify all users who will be able to create approval requests for Batch ...
How does the approval of Batch Payments work?
Batch Payments are created by authorised Requesters in ApprovalMax: up to 200 Bills in GBP currency with the statuses Approved and Not Paid/Not Fully Paid can be added. The Batch Payment status is Awaiting Approval. When all approvals have been ...
How can I restrict the Requesters of Batch Payments?
ApprovalMax allows restricting Requesters in terms of what data they can see and use when creating Batch Payments. Access rights, for example, can be configured so that a particular Requester is only allowed to select certain Suppliers or Bank ...
Can I search for Batch Payments?
Yes, ApprovalMax does have a search function for Batch Payments. In the Search pop-up, select the request type (Batch Payment), set additional filters, and click on SEARCH:
How can I specify instructions for Batch Payment Requesters?
Organisation Administrators can provide a message that will be shown to Requesters during Batch Payment creation. This is how you set up instructions for Batch Payment Requesters: Find your Organisation and open the Approval Workflows page under ...
How can Requesters amend a Batch Payment before its approval?
Requesters can change pending approval Batch Payment requests by clicking on EDIT: Change the respective fields and resubmit the request for approval. Please note: the approval process will start anew.
User permissions for the Contact Details section
Users can only see the Contact Details section and add or edit payment details if they have the respective permissions. This is how you grant such permissions to a user: Find your Organisation and open the Users page under Workflows And Settings. ...
How to remove a connected bank account
This is how you remove a connected bank account: Go to the Bank Accounts page under Workflows And Settings. Hover over the respective bank account and click on the three-dot icon: Select "Remove account". Click on the REMOVE button to confirm your ...
How to change the matching of a connected bank account and a Xero bank account
This is how you rematch a connected bank account to a new Xero bank account: Go to the Bank Accounts page under Workflows And Settings. Hover over the respective bank account and click on the three-dot icon: Select "Rematch Xero bank account". Find ...
How to change the name of a Bank Account
This is how you change the nickname of your Bank Account in ApprovalMax: Open the Bank Accounts page under Workflows And Settings. Hover over the Bank Account you want to rename and click on the three-dot icon: Select "Change nickname". Type in a new ...
How to set up a bank account connection with ApprovalMax
It takes three steps to connect a bank account and ApprovalMax Select a bank and country from the list of available options (banks that support open banking) Confirm the connection in your banking app (mobile or web-based) Match the connected bank ...
What is a Bank Account in ApprovalMax Pay?
A bank account is a financial account maintained by a bank or other financial institution that allows companies to make payments, manage payrolls, receive revenues, and conduct various financial transactions necessary for their operations. To enable ...
How to create Contact payment details
Please note: it is important to grant user permissions to allow access to the Contact Details section. There are two options for creating Contact payment details in ApprovalMax: Under Workflows And Settings → Contact Payment Details In Batch Payment ...
What are Contact payment details?
Please note: It is important to grant user permissions to allow access to the Contact Details section. Contact payment details are the bank details of a payment recipient, which have been matched to a particular Contact. They are used for Batch ...