Sync and QuickBooks Online connection
Does ApprovalMax support QuickBooks Online OAuth 2.0?
Yes, ApprovalMax does support QuickBooks Online OAuth 2.0.
How are documents in non-default currency checked against a threshold?
All rules are set up using the Home currency (default currency). If you have requests with other currencies, they will be converted into the default currency based on the exchange rate.
Can I reconnect my QuickBooks Online Organisation to a new ApprovalMax Organisation?
If your QuickBooks Online Organisation was previously connected to an ApprovalMax Organisation, and you now want to reconnect that QuickBooks Online Organisation to a newly created ApprovalMax Organisation, you need to: Disconnect the initially ...
Single Sign Up (SSU): how to sign up for ApprovalMax with your QuickBooks Online account
Are you tired of tracking new logins and passwords? Then just use your QuickBooks Online account for signing up with ApprovalMax. This way, you only need to remember your QuickBooks Online credentials. Sign up for an ApprovalMax trial account on ...
Single Sign-On (SSO): how to use your QuickBooks Online account for logging into ApprovalMax
Are you tired of tracking new logins and passwords? Then just use your QuickBooks Online Intuit account for single sign-on with ApprovalMax. This way, you only need to remember your QuickBooks Online credentials. This is how it works: When you log ...
Can I change the default currency?
ApprovalMax pulls the information about the default currency from QuickBooks Online when you initiate the first connection. If you change the default currency in QuickBooks Online at a later stage, this information will not be synchronised ...
Supported countries, taxes, currencies
ApprovalMax pulls all QuickBooks Online items in read-only mode. Therefore, all data defined in QuickBooks Online (such as taxes, currencies, etc.) is displayed in ApprovalMax “as is”. ApprovalMax currently supports all QuickBooks Online versions.
What happens after an approval / rejection?
Once a request has been approved in ApprovalMax, it is automatically created in QuickBooks Online. If one of the Approvers rejects a request, the document will not be created in QuickBooks Online and remains in ApprovalMax.