Purchase Order workflow
Where is the default value Tax-Exclusive/Inclusive taken from for QuickBooks Online requests?
For QuickBooks Online requests, the default tax-exclusive/inclusive setting is selected in the advanced settings of your QuickBooks Online account: This is how you set or change the default tax-inclusive/exclusive setting: 1. In QuickBooks Online, go ...
Who can set/change the GRN status in approved QuickBooks Online Purchase Orders?
Purchase Order Requesters, Approvers and Organisation Administrators can track the statuses Not Received, Partially Received and Fully Received. They can also set/change the delivery status for approved Purchase Orders. To do so, click on the UPDATE ...
Does ApprovalMax support Goods Received Note for QuickBooks Online PO?
Yes, ApprovalMax supports GRN functionality for QuickBooks Online Purchase Orders. This feature is a part of Advanced and Premium plan for QuickBooks Online connected Organisations. You can use the setting Goods Received Note (GRN) in the Purchase ...
QuickBooks Online Purchase Order life cycle
Purchase Order creation There are two ways of creating Purchase Orders in ApprovalMax; they can either be created directly in ApprovalMax for authorisation or get pulled from QuickBooks Online. Purchase Order approval When you submit a Purchase Order ...
How can I close an approved PO to prevent matching? (QuickBooks Online)
If you don't use your approved PO any more and want to prevent matching Bills to it, you can close PO in ApprovalMax.
What happens with a document in ApprovalMax if I delete it in QuickBooks Online?
Due to API restrictions, the information that you have deleted an approved document in QuickBooks Online will not be passed on to ApprovalMax - so the document in ApprovalMax will remain as is. If you need to remove such a document from ApprovalMax, ...
How can I close QuickBooks Online Purchase Order in ApprovalMax?
When a Purchase Order has been fully approved / matched with a Bill, it can be marked as closed in ApprovalMax and the status "Closed" will be synced to QuickBooks Online. To mark a Purchase Order as Closed, Organisation Admin/ PO Requester can click ...
Can a Purchase Order created and approved in ApprovalMax get sent to the Vendor by email afterwards?
If a Requester did not activate the checkbox Automatically Email Purchase Orders to the Vendor and their Purchase Order has now been authorised, they can still send this approved Purchase Order to the Vendor. To do so, they can download the Purchase ...
How to set up a default Email to the Vendor
ApprovalMax supports setting up a default Email to the Vendor for Organisations connected to QuickBooks Online. This is how it works: In the main menu, select the Organisation for which you want to set up a default Email to the Vendor and open ...
Do attachments in the comment section get published to QuickBooks Online?
No, attachments in the comment section are for internal use only and don't get pushed to QuickBooks Online after approval; the same goes for all the comments.
Do any attachments in rejected approval requests get published to QuickBooks Online?
No. Purchase Orders/Bills that were created directly in ApprovalMax only get pushed to QuickBooks Online once fully approved. Rejected approval requests, and their attachments, always stay in ApprovalMax.
How can I change the currency in QuickBooks Online Purchase Orders?
Provided that your Intuit account features multi-currency support and you managed "Currencies" in the advanced settings of your QuickBooks Online Organisation, you can specify a different currency (other than your home currency) for a Supplier: ...
How can I print an approved Purchase Order? (QuickBooks Online)
Once a Purchase Order has been approved, ApprovalMax generates a PDF for this Purchase Order and attaches it to the Purchase Order in ApprovalMax. It is also possible to download this PDF in QuickBooks Online itself. To do so, click on the "Print" ...
Can I match QuickBooks Online Bills and Purchase Orders?
Yes, this is now possible. You can learn more how to match Bills with POs in the matching category.
How does the approval of QuickBooks Online Purchase Orders work?
ApprovalMax enables the setup of multi-step approval workflows for Purchase Orders. Users of QuickBooks Online connected Organisations can create Purchase Orders directly in ApprovalMax. This is how the approval of Purchase Orders created directly in ...
How can I restrict the Requesters of QuickBooks Online Purchase Orders?
ApprovalMax allows to restrict Requesters in terms of what data they're able to see and work with when creating Purchase Orders. You can, for example, configure their access rights for Purchase Order creation in a way that individual Requesters are ...
How can I make Purchase Order fields mandatory? (QuickBooks Online)
During the configuration of the Requester matrix you can decide for some fields whether they are to be mandatory, or optional. This is how you make certain fields mandatory: In the main menu select your Organisation and open "Approval workflows" page ...
When is the Purchase Order number assigned? (QuickBooks Online)
As soon as a Purchase Order that you created is fully approved and sent to QuickBooks Online, its Purchase Order number is assigned automatically. These numbers ascend incrementally. Please note: this is only the case if the "Custom No" option has ...
Are there any files attached to the Purchase Order that gets sent to the Vendor?
A PDF file containing only the Purchase Order itself will be emailed to the Vendor after its final approval. If you attach any files to the Purchase Order, they will not be sent. However, when you select that your Purchase Order should be sent ...
Is it possible to change a Purchase Order after its final approval?
While a Purchase Order has not been fully approved, its Requester has the option to edit the request (this means the Purchase Order will be resubmitted for approval), or to cancel it. As soon as a Purchase Order has been fully approved, it can no ...
Does ApprovalMax support a review and editing functionality for QuickBooks Online Purchase Orders?
Unfortunately, no. Purchase Orders can be modified exclusively by the person who created them (the Requester), and only up to the point of full approval. If any changes are applied during the approval workflow, the respective Purchase Order will ...
How can I specify instructions for QuickBooks Online PO Requesters?
An Organisation's Administrator can provide a message that will be shown to Requesters during Purchase Order creation. This is how instructions for Purchase Order Requesters can be set up: In the main menu select your Organisation and open "Approval ...
Does ApprovalMax support Budgeting for QuickBooks Online users?
ApprovalMax now offers budgeting for QuickBooks Online Purchase Orders, Bills, and Expenses (private beta). Contact us to join the beta program.
Is there a way we can make QuickBooks Online Purchase Orders look more company branded?
Yes, that's definitely doable, however, you'll need to do that on the QuickBooks Online side. If you change the master form style in QuickBooks Online, this will be applied to all Purchase Orders you raise and send to QuickBooks Online via ...
Is it possible to amend a vendor in ApprovalMax?
At the moment, ApprovalMax does not support the editing of vendors that have been created in QuickBooks Online. If you need to apply changes, you can do it in QuickBooks Online. However, it is possible to amend vendors created directly in ApprovalMax ...
Can we have the request number for QuickBooks Online Purchase Order/Bill when submitting it for approval?
Currently it works this way: ApprovalMax does not allocate the next Purchase Order/Bill number as QuickBooks Online does this for us to ensure that the numbers don't get duplicated. Please note: this is only the case if the "Custom No" option has ...
How to automatically email QuickBooks Online Purchase Orders to a vendor
For Purchase Orders created directly in ApprovalMax, the planform offers the functionality to configure an email that will be sent to the Supplier once a QuickBooks Online Purchase Order has been fully approved. This email is triggered if the ...
Does ApprovalMax pull product/service items from QuickBooks Online?
You cannot create products/services in ApprovalMax, they need to be configured in QuickBooks Online in a specific way. ApprovalMax does only pull those products/services entries from QuickBooks Online that are marked as "I purchase this ...
Attaching files to QuickBooks Online Purchase Orders
During the creation of QuickBooks Online Purchase Orders in ApprovalMax, you can attach files. However, some technical limitations do apply. Below are supported file extensions, size and number of files that can be attached: File extensions: '.pdf', ...
How do I select the currency for a QuickBooks Online Purchase Order?
During Purchase Order creation, you can use either the currency which is set for the selected supplier or the default QuickBooks Online currency.
Why is there no place to enter a PO number during Purchase Order creation?
QuickBooks Online auto-populates a PO number when the Purchase Order has been approved in ApprovalMax.