Auto-matching Bills to Purchase Orders in QuickBooks Online
ApprovalMax automatically matches the Categories and Line Items when copying QuickBooks Online Purchase Orders to Bills:
Video: How to match Bills and Purchase Orders in QuickBooks Online connected organisations
ApprovalMax product walk-through: how to match Bills to Purchase Orders in QuickBooks Online connected organisations You can also have a look at this article: How can I match Bills and their initial Purchase Orders?
QuickBooks Online Matching: Can I restrict users who can match Bills to POs to Administrators only?
This is not possible at the moment. The Matching is available to: Bill Requester Current Bill Approver The Organisation's Administrator
QuickBooks Online Matching: Can I use Bill-to-PO Matching as a condition in workflows?
No, at the moment, it is not possible to use Bill-to-PO Matching as a condition in approval workflows.
QuickBooks Online Matching: How is Bill-to-Purchase Order Matching reflected in line item reporting?
Users with the Administrator and Auditor role have access to a reporting tool. An Organisation's Administrator can set up new reports to suit their needs. This is how you create a line item report to see the Bills already matched to Purchase Orders: ...
QuickBooks Online Matching: How is Bill-to-Purchase Order Matching reflected in reporting?
Users with the Administrator and Auditor role have access to a reporting tool. An Organisation's Administrator can set up new reports to suit their needs. This is how you create a report to see the Bills already matched to Purchase Orders: On the ...
QuickBooks Online matching: Which matching events are stated in the audit trail?
The following matching events are mentioned in the audit trial: ∙ The Bills line was matched: date and time, user, PO lines details (including the Product/Service or Category and line amount) ∙ The Bills line was unmatched: date and time, user, PO ...
How to match Bills and Purchase Orders in QuickBooks Online
The current Bill Approver/Reviewer/Requester or an Organisation Administrator/Owner can match Bills to approved and not yet closed Purchase Orders with the same Product/Service or Category and Vendor up to the final approval of the Bill. Organisation ...
QuickBooks Online matching: How can I enable the new Bill-to-PO Matching?
This is how you can update the settings for the Bill-to-PO matching: In the main menu select your Organisation and open Bill workflow page: Click on theicon, scroll down and enable the Purchase Order Matching: Now, you will see the matching section ...
QuickBooks Online matching: Advanced settings for Bill-to-PO Matching
By default the "Purchase Order Matching" in the Bill Creation and Approval workflow settings is enabled. To check this setting, go to the "Approval workflows", select the "Bill workflow" and click on the gear icon, then check that the option "Allow ...
QuickBooks Online matching: When does a matching get automatically removed?
A matching gets automatically removed if: The Bill is deleted / rejected The Purchase Order is cancelled / deleted PO was deleted in the QuickBooks Online – upon the final approval the Bill will be created without the matching data The Vendor has ...
Matching in QuickBooks Online: Who is allowed to match Bills and Purchase Orders?
The Bill-to-Purchase Order Matching feature is available to: Bill Requesters Current Bill Approvers Bill Reviewers Organisation Administrators
QuickBooks Online matching: Up to which point in the workflow can Bill-to-PO Matching be done?
The Bill-to-PO Matching can be done up to the point where the Bill is approved/ PO is closed.
QuickBooks Online matching: Which Purchase Orders are available for matching?
Purchase Orders (POs) can only be matched to Bills if: PO and Bill have the same Vendor (which determines the Currency of both requests) PO is approved and not closed, Bill is not approved/cancelled/draft PO date does not exceed the Bill date ...
What's Bill-to-Purchase Order Matching in QuickBooks Online?
ApprovalMax enables Requesters and Approvers to manually* match Bills submitted for approval to the approved Purchase Orders before making their decision. This allows for much more control and accuracy at this stage of the approval process. ...