Purchase Order workflow
Does ApprovalMax support the synchronisation of NetSuite internal statuses for Purchase Orders?
The internal status of NetSuite Purchase Orders is displayed as a watermark in ApprovalMax. Additionally, you can locate Purchase Orders with a particular status in the corresponding folders in ApprovalMax:
How to add a script in NetSuite to generate a Purchase Order PDF after the final approval
Overview In NetSuite, there are no native APIs that allow ApprovalMax to generate Purchase Order (PO) PDF files automatically. However, you can add a custom PO PDF generation SuiteScript to achieve this functionality. The process involves five key ...
How to automatically email NetSuite Purchase Orders to a Supplier
For Purchase Orders created directly in ApprovalMax, the planform offers the functionality to configure an email that will be sent to the Supplier once a NetSuite Purchase Order has been fully approved. This email is triggered if the checkbox ...
How to set up a default Email to the Supplier (NetSuite)
ApprovalMax supports setting up a default Email to the Supplier for NetSuite-connected Organisations. As a prerequisite some settings should be performed in NetSuite. This is how it works in ApprovalMax: In the main menu, select your Organisation and ...
How can I hide Expense/Items in NetSuite Purchase Order forms?
It's possible to hide NetSuite Expense/Items in Purchase Order creation forms. This is how it can be done by an Organisation Administrator: In the main menu, select your Organisation and open the "Approval Workflows" page under "Workflows and ...
Attaching files to NetSuite Purchase Orders
During the creation of NetSuite Purchase Orders in ApprovalMax, you can attach files. However, some technical limitations do apply. Below are supported file extensions, size and number of files that can be attached: File extensions: any - except ...
How can I specify instructions for NetSuite Purchase Order Requesters?
An Organisation's Administrator can provide a message that will be shown to Requesters during Purchase Order creation. This is how instructions for Purchase Order Requesters can be set up: In the main menu, select your Organisation and open the ...
How can I create a Purchase Order in ApprovalMax? (NetSuite)
To create a Purchase Order in ApprovalMax, click on the NEW REQUEST button in the top right-hand corner near your avatar: In the pop-up window, select the request type from the respective Organisation and click on CREATE A REQUEST: The Purchase Order ...
NetSuite Purchase Order life cycle
Purchase Order creation There are two ways of creating Purchase Orders for authorisation in ApprovalMax; they can either be created directly in ApprovalMax or get pulled from NetSuite. Purchase Order approval When you submit a Purchase Order for ...
How can I restrict the Requesters of Purchase Orders? (NetSuite)
ApprovalMax allows restricting Requesters in terms of what data they can see and operate with when creating Purchase Orders. For example, access rights for the creation of Purchase Orders can be configured so that a particular Requester is allowed to ...
How does the approval of NetSuite Purchase Orders work?
ApprovalMax enables the setup of multi-step approval workflows for Purchase Orders. This is how the approval of Purchase Orders created in NetSuite works: Purchase Orders are created and submitted for approval in NetSuite or directly in ApprovalMax. ...
How do I set up the Pull from Oracle NetSuite step for Purchase Orders?
You can configure ApprovalMax so that it pulls from NetSuite all Purchase Orders in the Pending Approval status and starts the respective approval workflow for them. In order to do so, open the Purchase Order Approval workflow. By default, it is the ...